How to Charge Beats Studio Pro: The Complete Guide

How to charge beats studio pro

Wondering how to charge Beats Studio Pro? Forget everything you love about your Beats Studio Pro – the killer noise cancelling, the crazy comfortable fit, all of it… It doesn’t matter one bit if the battery’s dead! As a fellow Beats lover, I know that sinking feeling when you need your tunes and find your headphones out of juice. But let’s fix that! I’m here to break down everything you need to know about charging your Beats Studio Pro. Because hey, a little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to keeping the music (or those podcasts!) flowing.

How to Charge Beats Studio Pro

charging beats studio pro

Charging Your Beats Studio Pro

Let’s get down to the basics! It might sound obvious, but knowing exactly how to juice up your Beats Studio Pro will save you a ton of potential headaches down the road.

How to charge beats studio pro

  • Step 1: Grab your USB-C cable: Your Beats Studio Pro came with a handy USB-C charging cable. Look for the smaller “USB-C” end and the standard “USB-A” end (the rectangular one).
  • Step 2: Locate the charging port: Look on the bottom of the right earcup of your headphones – there’s a small, discreet port tucked away.
  • Step 3: Connect and charge: Carefully plug the USB-C end of the cable into the charging port. Plug the other end (USB-A) into a wall charger, your laptop, or a power bank.
  • Step 4: Look for the lights: Your Beats Studio Pro have a neat little charging light right near the port. You might see it flash white (charging), turn solid white (fully charged), or flash red (very low battery). Check why your Beats Studio Pro blinking white light.

beats studio pro charging cable
beats studio pro charge time

Beats Studio Pro Charging Cable

  • Specs: The USB-C cable that came with your Beats is built specifically for those headphones. But don’t stress if you lose it – any standard USB-C cable will do the trick.
  • Compatibility: Most modern smartphones and laptops use USB-C chargers these days, so chances are you have a compatible charger ready to go.

Beats Studio Pro Charger

  • Wattage matters: While many chargers will work, Apple recommends using at least a 18W power adapter (that’s what usually comes with newer iPhones). A higher-wattage charger will fill your Beats up faster.
  • Safety first: Avoid cheap, no-name chargers. Stick to reputable brands, or the one that came with your phone, to protect your headphones and make sure they charge safely.

Charging Times & Optimization

Okay, so you know how to plug in your Beats Studio Pro, but how long does it actually take to get those babies back to 100%? Let’s break it down:

Beats studio pro charging time

How Long Does it Take to Charge Beats Studio Pro

  • Average charge time: On average, expect a full charge for your Beats Studio Pro to take about 2 hours. Of course, if they weren’t completely drained to begin with, it’ll be faster.
  • Fast Fuel to the rescue: This is where Beats headphones really shine. If you’re in a pinch, a quick 10-minute charge will give you around 4 hours of playback time. Perfect for squeezing in a workout or that last leg of your commute.

Beats Studio Pro Charge Time

  • It’s not always the same: Here’s the thing, a couple of factors can affect how long your Beats take to charge up:
    • Charger power: Remember the wattage we talked about? A more powerful charger means faster charging.
    • Battery health: Like all batteries, your headphone battery might take a little longer to charge as it gets older.

Beats Studio Pro Fast Charge

  • Maximize those quick charges: To ensure you get the most of Fast Fuel, plug your Beats Studio Pro directly into a wall charger if possible. Using your laptop’s USB port might be slower.

Troubleshooting Charging Issues

Uh oh, your trusty Beats Studio Pro aren’t charging. It’s frustrating, I know! But before you panic, let’s investigate a few common culprits:

Beats Studio Pro Won’t Charge

  • The usual suspects:
    • Faulty cable: Cables break, it happens. Even the sturdiest USB-C cable can get frayed or have internal damage.
    • Damaged port: That little charging port on your headphones can get dust, lint, or other gunk stuck in it – not fun.
    • Software glitches: Hey, even your Beats need a restart every now and then to work out any software quirks they might have and resetting them will solve it.
  • Troubleshooting 101:
    • Swap the cable and charger: The easiest way to see if the problem is your Beats or the accessories. Borrow a friend’s cable or try a different wall charger.
    • Restart time: Turn those headphones off, leave them off for a couple of minutes, and then try to power them on and charge again. It sounds simple, but it works surprisingly often.

Beats Studio Pro Not Charging

  • Next-level fixes: Okay, if changing the cable and power cycling didn’t help, let’s try a couple more things:
    • Clean that port: Grab a toothpick or soft brush and gently remove any dust or lint that might be blocking the connection inside the charging port.
    • Check for updates: Make sure your Beats Studio Pro firmware is up to date. You can check in your phone’s Bluetooth settings or by using the Beats app.

Important Note: If none of these tricks work, it’s possible there’s a bigger issue with your Beats. In that case, it might be time to reach out to Beats support for help.

Additional FAQs

Let’s wrap up by clearing up a few more common questions about charging your Beats Studio Pro:

Can You Use Beats Studio Pro While Charging

Absolutely! Feel free to jam out to podcasts, take calls, and enjoy your Beats Studio Pro even while they’re plugged in.

Do Beats Studio Pro Come Charged

While they might not have a full charge right out of the box, new Beats Studio Pro usually have some juice to get you started. It’s always a good idea to give them a full charge before your first serious listening session, though!

Beats Studio Pro Wireless Charge

Unfortunately, Beats Studio Pro don’t have wireless charging capability. You’ll need to rely on that trusty USB-C cable to keep them powered.

How to Know if Beats Studio Pro are Charging

Remember those awesome charging lights we talked about? Here’s your quick guide:

  • Flashing white: Charging in progress.
  • Solid white: Fully charged and ready to rock.
  • Flashing red: Critically low battery, get them plugged in ASAP!

Beats studio pro not charging


Charging your Beats Studio Pro isn’t complicated, but understanding the process goes a long way! Let’s recap the key points:

  • Use your included USB-C cable or any compatible one you have on hand.
  • Apple recommends at least an 18W charger for faster charging times.
  • Take advantage of Fast Fuel for those 10-minute power-up sessions.
  • If you face issues, troubleshoot by swapping cables/chargers, cleaning the port, and restarting your headphones.
  • Remember, you can use your Beats Studio Pro while they charge so the music never has to stop!

Finally, to get the most out of your Beats Studio Pro, be kind to that battery:

  • Avoid using cheap, off-brand chargers.
  • Don’t overcharge them – unplug your Beats when they hit 100%.
  • Store your headphones in their case when not in use to protect the charging port.

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